With Rahul taking up the second highest position in the Congress party and Modi with his popularity in Gujarat also around country. Narendra Modi will also become a member of the parliamentary board in BJP. With the Karnataka Election, this will be the first big fight between the two leaders which will be a face off for 2014 LokSabha Elections.
BJP is playing all its cards with all prominent leaders to be gathering in Karnataka for election campaign with only “Development” as their mantra. Narendra Modi will be playing a key role and also address some of the rallies in state. It is said that in 2009, too Modi addressed few rallies and it was loss for BJP where they lost minorities votes. However, with a rule back in Gujarat, Narendra Modi is going to play safe with only speaking about “Development” in the state.
On the other hand, it is also a testing time for Rahul Gandhi, after the elevation in the party. This will be his first big election campaign after Uttar Pradesh debacle. However, there are fair chance for Rahul with difference within the state BJP party and also JD (U). It may be a smooth ride for him.
However, Karnataka Election which is May 5 will see the first face off between Narendra Modia and Rahul Gandhi, who are gearing up for thenext big Lok Sabha Elections.